We are prepared to welcome you back safely!
Dear Loyal Auberge Guest,
As we continue to monitor Coronavirus (COVID–19) developments closely, the health and well–being of our guests and employees is of utmost importance to us. Our focus is to ensure we meet the needs of our guests while doing our part to keep you, our employees, and our community safe.
Here are some actions we are taking:
All employees will have daily temperature checks
All employees are required to wear a mask
A one-time use paper menu will be provided for each guest as well as a digital menu option
Cutlery, glassware, and condiments will not initially be on the table but will be brought to the table when guests are seated after thorough sanitization
We will operate at 75% capacity
We will be honoring social distancing of 6 feet between tables
We have increased the frequency of cleaning our restaurant areas
We have made antibacterial hand sanitizers available
Additionally, we are taking steps to ensure the well-being of our employees including:
Asking them to stay home if they are not feeling well and seeking medical care if they experience flu-like symptoms
Washing their hands properly and frequently
Sanitizing their workplaces regularly
We look forward to seeing you and want to reassure you that we are taking reasonable precautions to create a healthy and safe environment. Your patronage and support at this time is greatly appreciated.
As always, your health and well-being are our first priority. Thank you for your trust and support, and we look forward to welcoming you back to Auberge.
Best Regards,
The Auberge Team